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Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) Training Fallenbrunnen

Montag, 05.08.2024 - Donnerstag, 08.08.2024
09:30 - 18:00 Uhr

Learn the fundamentals behind the open source robotics framework – ROS2

Software developed with ROS2 tools is becoming more and more commonplace for applications such as robot manipulators, service robots, drones, autonomous cars, etc. In this 4-day training, participants with none to basic knowledge of ROS2 will learn the skills and competences to configure and use ROS2-based software solutions.


Target Group:
  • Beginner ROS2 developers and users
  • Students already acquainted with learning basics ROS2
  • Anyone interest to learn about basic concepts of ROS2 (with basic programming knowledge)
  • Anyone curious about robotics and hands-on learning and training experience

After this training, the participant should be able to design essential ROS2 software and know where to find helpful information in the ROS2 ecosystem.

4-day training

Day 1: introduction to Linux, Bash/Git, Docker

Day 2: introduction python and ROS2

Day 3: navigation ROS2, Manipulation mit ROS2

Day 4: Manipulation mit ROS2 Repetition / consolidation of the course content

This training is given in English, but all our trainers speak German and English.


Dates & Costs

date: 05.-08.08.2024

Costs: 2.550 €

registration deadline: 10. Juli 2024


Benjamin Stähle M.Sc.,
Hochschule Ravensburg Weingarten (RWU)

The IWT reserves the right to cancel a seminar if there are not enough number of participants or for other valid reasons. It also reserves the right to replace a lecturer at short notice. Please understand that the participation fee will be reimbursed or not payable only if you unsubscribe in writing before the registration deadline. 50% fee is charged in case of cancellation of participation after the deadline.



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IWT Katrin Willamowski
+ 49 (0)7541 40294 - 14
Veranstalter-Website anzeigen


RITZ Regionales Innovations- und Technologietransfer Zentrum
Fallenbrunnen 14
Friedrichshafen, 88045 Deutschland
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